Thinking Tool for Examining Demographics (Study of Changes in Population)

This page provides a template you can use and two examples. Among the applications for the template that you might find useful are:

§         What happens after the change in immigration law in 1965 and what happens with the next generation of these immigrants?

§         What happens with the consumer society?

The Template























Example: Baby Boomers

Look at the chart and ask yourself:

1.       When do the boomers consume goods and services, but not need a job?

2.       When will there be a bubble of more students in the public schools?

3.       When will they be teenagers and what do teenagers do?

4.       When will they go to college and/or the age when Selective Service applies to them?

5.       When will they need a job to be able to be able to support themselves—to be able to consume?

6.       When will they have babies—and a mini-baby boom will start?

7.       When do the boomers hit their 60s?












If a baby boomer is born in 1945, how old will he or she be in each subsequent decade?



Born 1945

5 in 1950

10 in 1955

15 in 1960

20 in 1965

25 in 1970

30 in 1975

35 in 1980

40 in 1985

45 in 1990

50 in 1995

55 in 2000

60 in 2005

If a baby boomer is born in 1950, how old will he or she be in each subsequent decade?




Born 1950

5 in 1955

10 in 1960

15 in 1965

20 in 1970

25 in 1975

30 in 1980

35 in 1985

40 in 1990

45 in 1995

50 in 2000

55 in 2005


Example: People Who Had Seen the Economy Collapse with the Great Depression

Reminders: The stock market crash hits in 1929; the Great Depression lasts for the next decade.


Look at the chart:

§         The rows are for those who directly experienced how quickly and how deeply an economy can fail.
The rows are for people who are at least 1 when the crash hits and up to 25 when it hits.

§         The shading shows the decade each age group becomes 60 within the decade.


Look at the chart and then look at the economic events that occur the decades after that shading? Does that tell you anything (including the value of learning history)?












If a child is 25 in 1929, how old will he or she be in each subsequent decade?

15 in 1929

26 in 1930

36 in 1940

46 in 1950

56 in 1960

66 in 1970

76 in 1980

86 in 1990


If a child is 20 in 1929, how old will he or she be in each subsequent decade?

20 in 1929

21 in 1930

31 in 1940

41 in 1950

51 in 1960

61 in 1970

71 in 1980

81 in 1990


If a child is 15 in 1929, how old will he or she be in each subsequent decade?

15 in 1929

16 in 1930

26 in 1940

36 in 1950

46 in 1960

56 in 1970

66 in 1980

76 in 1990

86 in 2000

If a child is 10 in 1929, how old will he or she be in each subsequent decade?

10 in 1929

11 in 1930

21 in 1940

31 in 1950

41 in 1960

51 in 1970

61 in 1980

71 in 1990

81 in 2000

If a child is 5 in 1929, how old will he or she be in each subsequent decade?

5 in 1929

6 in 1930

16 in 1940

26 in 1950

36 in 1960

46 in 1970

56 in 1980

66 in 1990

76 in 2000

If a child is born in 1929, how old will he or she be in each subsequent decade?


1 in 1930

11 in 1940

21 in 1950

31 in 1960

41 in 1970

51 in 1980

61 in 1990

71 in 2000



Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2010


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