Feedback on the 5Ws Chart

You do not turn in a 5Ws Chart for the other Comparison Topics, but consider doing a 5Ws Chart on a piece of notebook paper to help yourself observe the two time periods and how history changed.


The Requirements are right above the list of possible Comparison Topic on both the Contents link and the Instructions link. The bright yellow was a request by a student.

What You Have to Read for Each Possible Comparison and What the Terms Mean?

If you want to read dictionary definitions, you can find them beneath this link.

Reminder about the Requirements with Each of These Topics– Now in Yellow

  • You must use the exact pages in the textbook for that are listed at the top of the Contents webpage for each of these time periods.
  • You must examine only African Americans. Notice what they did, not just what was done to or for them.
  • You must examine only the South at this time, but that includes Northern actions in the South

You do 1 of the 3 choices exactly as written. In each these 3 choices for Comparison topics, make sure you meet the listed requirements above:



Both the Instructions link and the Contents link provide the bright yellow Requirements and a list of each possible Comparison Topic. The Contents link also provides ways you can avoid reading problems that other students have had so don’t deceive yourself. Use the Contents link for:

·         Below each question exactly what pages you must read—plus Cautions about things that other students have misread (Don’t deceive yourself so use the Cautions.)

·         Where helpful, a visual showing how content is interconnected or changes over time (Don’t deceive yourself so use the visual.)






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