Note to Reviewers:

·      The examples shown for F and D papers I will move to resources but they will be available only if a student asks to see an example of the error.  Reason: Cengage has said the pages from the textbook cannot be used. The rep also said that the historians who wrote the textbook we were using sold the book to Cengage to use as the text for their online tools.

·      The links shown for C, B, and A papers, I will replace once videos are redone with Screencast-O-Matic.

Rubric with a Link to Information  

Links Below the C, B, and A Columns

The links below the C, B, and A columns provide:

·         A Method to Read, Write, and Understand

·         Examples of C, B, and A Papers


Links in the F or D column – If you have problems marked in the F or D column, you do not earn any points for the separate Good Habits for Evidence grade for a specific writing assignment.

You can learn more about these problems with Good Habits for Evidence and how you can prevent them when you click on their links.


When you click on the link in the F or D column, you see a box similar to this one for No “Half-Copy” Plagiarism or “Patchwriting”. You then click on the link you want from those in the box. For example, if you want to see an example of a paper written by a student who did “half-copy” plagiarism, you’d click on the 1st link.



F Paper

D Paper

C Paper

B Paper

A Paper

Reading FOR Evidence (60%)

Assumed. Used an unreliable source or an incorrect or incomplete part of the source required for the question asked.

Misread, read passively, or made errors such as cherry-picking facts or embellishing facts.

Accurately read the parts, but did not try to evaluate or to synthesize the interconnections.

Accurately read the parts and analyzed each one. Tried to evaluate and synthesize interconnections.

Accurately read the parts and analyzed each one. Evaluated and synthesized the interconnections.

Writing WITH Evidence (30%)

Wrote assumptions.  Used quotations inaccurately,

and changed meaning.  Did not answer all parts of the question. Did not use endnotes. Did not cite accurately and according to the directions.

Wrote passively. Plagiarized or did “half-copy” plagiarism (also called “patchwrite”). Used quotations inaccurately,  including making the author's sentences look grammatically incorrect.

Only summarized separately each of the parts of the question, but did not cover interconnections.

Revealed each part and covered some interconnections. Provided few examples.

Understood each part and revealed the parts’ interconnections. Provided clear and representative examples.

Following Directions FOR Evidence


Did not follow directions above or with the questions (such as maximum length).

Did not follow directions.

Followed the directions. 

Followed the directions carefully.

Followed the directions exactly.

Mechanics (Language and Punctuation) (5%)

Many mechanical errors.

Several mechanical errors.

Two or more mechanical errors.

One or more mechanical errors.

No more than one minor mechanical error.





Method to Read Understand Write Fast – Uses examples from the same pages of the source used by the student examples shown from the link.


Examples of Student Papers using the same pages from the source:

·         At F and D level are in the examples available from the links in those columns

·         At C and B and A level are in this link
Or just look at the A-level comparison with details about citation and examples of endnotes





Copyright C. J. Bibus, Ed.D. 2003-2015



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